Facebook Is Building Their Own Satellite

Facebook has been trying a lot to bring the internet connection and its social network platform to every part of the world. In doing so, Facebook has been working closely with various technologies. In the digital world, fibre optic cables have helped the companies speed up the data transfer rate. But as said, it is costly and difficult to be spread to various part of the world. Hence, Facebook has been trying to find many alternatives to this issue.

The only way to connect the entire world with the internet connection despite the various geographical conditions is by using satellite. Satellites help with communication purpose throughout the world. They are wireless connection medium hence they do not require any cable for communication.

And yes, Facebook is trying to create and launch its own satellite. They are trying a lot to launch their own satellite for establishing internet connection throughout the world.

Facebook’s Own Satellite

A document having the conversation between Facebook and FCC officials were released earlier. The document shows exchanges between the two companies from 2016 to 2018. In 2018, Facebook said that “We are experimenting with small satellite application for the Athena satellite”. Further, when the conversations were read it was revealed that the social network is looking forward to launching their own satellite as soon as in early 2019.

Although, this is not the first time Facebook is doing anything as such. In 2016, Facebook launched one of their satellites to provide internet access to parts of Africa. Unfortunately, the SpaceX rocket which was carrying the satellite blasted off during the testing phase and hence the satellite was not placed. But, Facebook has not given up. They are investing more and more to make internet connectivity possible for each and every area of the Earth.

Facebook’s new satellite is said to be designed efficiently which will provide broadband connection to different parts of the world. According to the news, Facebook has filed their new network under the name of PointView Tech LLC with FCC.


Facebook is taking a major step towards revolutionizing the internet for the people but they are not the first to do so. Earlier this year, Elon Musk’s SpaceX got approval for launching their Starlink satellite network. SpaceX will be launching around 12,000 satellites for providing better broadband connectivity. Along with that, Softbank’s OneWeb is another project which looks promising in this field.

When WIRED contacted Facebook, Facebook confirmed that their project is named Athena. The spokesperson did not reveal much about the project but said that the team is working hard to make the project a success as early as possible. Facebook has been in talks for launching their low earth satellites soon enough from 2016. However, with the investments and work power, Facebook will be making its move as early as in 2019. And, if it happens the internet which people use will be changed. The internet might end up being free of cost but that is a distinct dream. However, with the new satellites, the speed will be increased and the cost will be reduced a bit.

Disclaimer: This information is covered based on the latest research and development available. However, it may not fully reflect all current aspects of the subject matter.

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