Here’s How to delete yourself from the internet world

Nowadays all are working online on the internet which has become a huge risk for their personal life and they don’t know what is going on with their life by more usage of the internet. You can not delete your whole presence data from the internet but you can delete some personal information available online that you can cut out it from the digital world.

As we all have heard about fraud likes, data theft, Hacking account, and social engineering these all problems are going to become worse in upcoming years. And this is going to be great problems for those who used their most time on the internet. Now also you can delete your data from the internet completely.

How are we connected?

As we now that when we connect to the internet in any websites it’s asking for linking our personal details in it and which is directly entered in the global network. It’s difficult to navigate where our information is going.

A lot of services offered online sort of registration or to connect with another account. Your social Network ID is more responsible to publish out your identity. When you do the online signing in any websites your data is filed inside it and used for advertising and your private information is stored on databases all over the world.

Everything from buying clothes to playing a game online is monitored and on many websites shares your online activity through media to help their online presence. It is difficult to delete account yourself from the internet.

So here are some ways for deleting an account

  • Account Deletion Services

There are many online account deletion services like –Delete Me– They will help you to remove your data from online. If you want more security for your worth if it means a lot for you than they provide paid services for securing your data. If you have shared your personal information there, Adahar Card No, Pan Card No, your personal phone no, Date of Birth.

So if you suppose to delete your information from websites and you are not able to delete it from there than you can send a legal request to Google to get rid of that data.

  • Delete your unnecessary online accounts

We sign up with knowingly or unknowingly unwanted services that we either don’t use it or have no idea about it. First, delete your account from the internet which is not in used and there is a website name ‘Account Killer’ which guide to delete accounts very easily.

  • Delete you from social media shopping Sites

Think Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other websites in which we are signing up and providing our personal details to them. Shopping’s sites like Amazon, Flipkart, Shop-clues, and others. These social accounts and shopping sites know a lot about us and some even sell that information. So get rid of from them all. Delete your card no and bank details from all shopping accounts.

  • Delete your Personal Information and Search Site’s

There are some websites which collect your account information like Spokeo, people finder, and crunch base among plenty of others. Must delete your information from Google by clearing history. Remove your all passwords from all accounts like E-mail, G-mail, and others.

Disclaimer: This information is covered based on the latest research and development available. However, it may not fully reflect all current aspects of the subject matter.

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