How To Stop Google From Storing Your Location

Google stores your location history. It’s true! The tech giant Google is somehow connected to the gadgets you use, it’s that much vast. In case you are an android user, then you must be knowing, google plays the most vital role in your smart device. It has a lot of the services as, Google Drive, Maps, Chrome, Gmail, Photos, G-board, Google assistance, Android Device Manager and many more. If google has all the permissions of your phone, starting from files and media, location, camera, phone, SMS etcetera. Therefore, it knows a lot about you.

Google stores your location history


There is no exception in case location history. Google stores your location history too. As you have permitted location access to the Google Maps app, it stores the location all the time. It knows where you go, how long you stay somewhere, when you leave, pretty much everything. Quite scary, isn’t it? But it’s helping you for sure, it can navigate you to your destination, so no complaint about it.

You may also check on your own, Go to And go to Go to “Location History” and choose “Manage Location History.” Make sure you are logged in the browser with your Google account.

What does google say about it?

According to Google,” The activity you keep helps Google make services more useful for you, like helping you rediscover the things you’ve searched for, read, and watched.”. Though it’s true up to some extent but not convincing at all. Google also claims, “We use data to serve you relevant ads in Google products, on partner websites, and in mobile apps.” And they also say, while these ads help fund their services and make them free for everyone, our personal information is not for sale. As we are bind to use these services, we can do nothing about it. Perhaps, we can do one thing, delete the activity each day.

Also, read this How To Use Android Without Google.

Whereas, in case of the location history, Google stores your location history which you can only see. The location service also helps the user to find the best route for traveling and obviously, ask for reviews of the places and the shops you visited.

If you wish to stop Google from storing the location history and delete your stored location history, then, follow the steps.

1. Go to


2. Go to “Location History” and choose “Manage Location History.” After scrolling down.


3. Tap “Manage Location History

4. Toggle the button to turn off Location History.


5. Tap the settings button on the “Location History” map.

6. Select “Delete all location history.”

Congrats, Google can’t track your location anymore and won’t store the location history. You can also turn off the “Web & App Activity” tracker. To do that-

  1. Go to
  2. Turn off the “Web & Activity” toggle.

Though, Google stores your location history, With little tweaks in the settings you can stop Google from storing the location history.

Disclaimer: This information is covered based on the latest research and development available. However, it may not fully reflect all current aspects of the subject matter.

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