AIoT: When Artificial Intelligence Meets the Internet of Things

Artificial Intelligence of Things is (AIoT) the latest technology helping us to think of our in a new way. We are already using the Internet of Things in many things like smartwatch, TV, AC, Traffic light, etc. But, the real magical power behind any IoT is Artificial Intelligence.

As things are evolving every day, there shouldn’t be any doubt that we will see a smarter world with the growing partnership between IoT and Artificial Intelligence.

From basic things like tracking our health and fitness levels to its use in Space or even in colonizing other planets, everything will be smarter.

AI + IoT = Innovation of Smarter Future

IoT uses the Internet to collect, communicate, and exchange information about our online or offline activities.

Now, one may ask how IoT can collect information about our offline activities? Let’s understand.

The answer is simple: your fitness tracker tracks the activities that you do offline, right! But how will it store it? It’ll use the InternetInternet to send data to the cloud so that you can see your health score further.

As of Now, IoT devices generate 1 billion GB of data every day. And by 2025, according to a research-based projection, there will be 42 billion IoT devices connected to the InternetInternet. Naturally, as these numbers grow, the use of the Internet and data exchange will also increase.

And that’s where the Role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) comes in.

Three Major Things That Empowers IoT:

  • Big Data:
    A massive amount of data processed from numerous levels of internet-connected sources/devices.
  • Next-Generation Networks:
    IoT requires high-speed zero lag internet to process data in real-time.
  • Artificial Intelligence:
    Programmable devices and functions to empower electronic devices to collect, learn, process, and analyze information like us.

The Major AIoT Segments

There are four significant segments where the partnership between AI and IoT has the most impact. Wearable, Smart Home, Smart City, Smart Industry. Let’s see all of them one by one:


AIoT: When Artificial Intelligence Meets the Internet of Things

Wearables have already become a part of our life. We use it every day as a smartwatch to track our health and fitness. If innovated further, it can revolutionize the healthcare sector with real-time tracking data.

We use it for some needs, but it also collects data like our eating and traveling habits in the backend.

Device manufacturers and software developer companies like Google use these data to deliver more targeted and precise ads.

Smart City

Imagine a city where there is no man on the traffic signal. Still, everything is under control with smart devices installed to monitor where police arrive before a criminal commits any crime, where robots are cleaning roads. And anything that you can imagine in a smart city.

Seems like Hollywood Movies?

But It’s going to be a reality in not more than a decade. And the most exciting thing is it’s happening in India. Dholera smart city project will be India’s first smart city where our imagination will be a reality.

With AI and IoT, our cities will be more secure, more efficient, and more responsive.

Smart Home

AIoT: When Artificial Intelligence Meets the Internet of Things

The Smart Home concept is new and not as popular as Wearables due to its cost. But shortly, we shall see innovation in this segment.

In a Smart Home, our homes will be fully automated and voice-controlled with the help of IoT and Artificial Intelligence. This reality is not so far when your home will respond to your every command.

We have already started seeing development in this segment as Google Home And Alexa. All electronic things are connected to one device that listens to your commands and fulfills it.

Alexa, Play music, Ok Google, call Santosh. Remember something? Don’t you do this? It’s AIoT.

Smart Industry

Don’t you think many industries have changed a lot? In not more than ten years past, we used to buy things from our local store only. But, now you can buy almost anything from anywhere in the world.

With the use of AIoT, the manufacturing and supply industries will be more efficient.

And most important, they will have data on what they should manufacture more.


So, there is no doubt that we will witness a massive transformation in the upcoming decades. Our smart appliances will become a part of our smart homes. The Voice Assistant will understand our quickly to learn our behavior and speak more naturally.

Disclaimer: This information is covered based on the latest research and development available. However, it may not fully reflect all current aspects of the subject matter.

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