25 Most Popular Technology Myths People Still Believe

The education of the world today is in such an advanced stage that even the age-old myths related to any field are being exposed and contradicted. Here we talk about the 25 most common technological myth and bring the truth in front of you. It is really astounding that even after getting a hell lot of education we still believe in certain myths, myths that were true in the past such as don’t recharge your phone till it is dead but now all of this are debunked and the truth is in front of us.

If you want to look cool in front of your friend by debunking their myths, and also if you want to see if you have fallen in any of these myths keep reading till the 25th myth.

  • Avoid using third-party chargers on your phone.


It is always avoided to use a third party charger because it is said that a third party charger will damage the phone or even burn the phone. It is only partially true because if the third party charger is one with a recognized manufacturer and if you use a charger with similar power output as yours, you will have no problem at all.

But if you use some cheap products then my friend you should start saving money for a new phone.

  • Leaving your phone plugged in destroys the battery.


Today’s smartphones and tablets are smart enough to stop charging when the battery is 100℅ charged. As lithium-ion batteries are used in most of them. But even this myth can be said only partially true under certain situation. Such as heating lithium-ion batteries react poorly to elevated temperature.

If you have a case on your phone that does not allow heat to escape this heat will increase the temperature of the device and this results in cell oxidation which will reduce its capacity and shorten the lifespan. Make sure to remove your phone case if you are planning to charge it overnight.

  • Don’t recharge batteries until they are almost dead.


If you are not using a lithium-ion battery you might be still living in 2005. The fact here is that today’s lithium-ion battery is totally different and do not follow the old saw about how you always need to charge your battery all the way up and then use it till it is dead. “Memory effect” as it is called.

Affects NiMH batteries but this doesn’t apply to your phone. In fact, your phone hates you when you do it. So you better be careful.

  • You should shut down your computer every night.


This completely depends on an individual and the amount of usage of the computer. It totally depends on how often you use it i.e if you use your computer multiple times a day it’s better to leave it on but if you use it for a shorter time say an hour or two or less you San shut it down.

Leaving a computer on all the time is less stressful then turning it off and on several times a day- but it is a constant stress.

  • Using off-brand ink cartridges voids the warranty on your printer.


Since branded ink cartridges are too expensive we often tend to buy the off-branded ones, it is often said that these off-branded ink cartridges will void our warranty but this off-brand ink will pose only a little to no risk of voiding your printer.

Most of the problems your printer will face will not even be related to the ink and will be just covered fine under the warranty.

  • Airport x-ray machines ruin or erase memory cards.


Unlike the days of film, the airport scanner has little or no effect on our memory cards. Film reacts to light and radiation and it doesn’t take long for an undeveloped film to completely wipe out. So the good news is that the airport security scanners do not affect memory card.

Flash memory cards are remarkably resilient and can even sometimes survive a long swim in the ocean.

  • The more megapixels your camera has the better the picture.


The megapixel of a camera will only allow you to have a better capture of the details but it doesn’t necessarily have to give a better picture. In simple terms, a megapixel rating is the total number of pixels that will make up the image captures by the camera sensor. And there is much more than the number of pixels that make up the sensor, a photo also depends upon the size of the sensor.

For instance, if you see a typical consumer DSLR feature about 15 megapixel or more, and on the other hand, the Nokia Lumia 1020 has an unbelievable 41-megapixel camera in its tiny body. But the photo of the Nokia is nowhere in comparison with even a primary DSLR.

  • More bars on your mobile phone means better service.


This is totally wrong as bars only indicate the signal strength and not the quality of the signal. You cannot keep cursing the operator of the signal when you are sitting in a football stadium filled with thousands of people.

The service of your network depending on how many people are using it within a particular area, and not on the number of bars.

  • Apple computers are immune to viruses.


There is a long-standing belief that Macintosh computers cannot be infected by malware making them far better than PCs which are constantly under attack. Right of the bat, we should mention that Apple has publicly mentioned that its computers are not totally immune to viruses, which they have been humming since 2006.

In 2011, roughly 600,000 MacBook’s were affected by a malware called a flashback. And similar instances keep on happening.

  • Private/incognito mode keeps your computer activities anonymous.


Many times when you don’t want your browsing history to be saved you may go for private browsing or incognito mode. This mode will only hide your history from the one you want to hide it, it will not hide it from the sites you visit and the internet service provider from tracking you. That’s how eBay and other sites can advertise on your webpage according to your choice.

  • A penny on a train track can derail a train.


Yes, a penny can derail a train, but it has to be a toy train or else it is not possible. A passenger or commercial train speeding along its track is a very heavy object with an immense amount of momentum, the penny is simply too light to do anything to the train. It is either flattened or knocked out of the way by the train.

  • Jailbreaking your phone, iPod or tablet is illegal.


Jailbreaking or rooting your phone is when you remove the hardware restrictions from your phone an make it compatible with software and downloads of other brands. Jailbreaking voids your warranty but it’s not at all illegal.

jailbreaking officially become legal in 2012 when the library of Congress made an exception to the Digital Millennium copyright. Act, allowing users to jailbreak their phones.

  • You should buy the warranty on any new gadgets you purchase.


It is not always necessary to have a warranty on anything unless it is your life or certain big things which are pretty expensive, having an extended warranty for your new gadget is just waste of time and money.

As a warranty can cost more than the value it offers. And here’s a better plan from Richard Thaler, a renowned economist at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business: “Every time someone offers to sell you insurance on a non-large purchase say no, and take that money and put it into a rainy-day account. With any luck, there will be plenty of money in that account the next time you drop your iPhone.

  • Password protected networks are safe from hackers.


No network is safe today while those unethical hackers are running down the streets. Any network can be hacked by hackers if they try to, so even if you protect your network with a password and encrypt it, it doesn’t become totally safe. It is even the same for Wi-Fi networks nowadays hackers easily get your Wi-Fi password, so it is necessary to use highly Encrypted password with upper and lower cases.

Nowhere is safe on the internet. The only way you can protect your bank account, Social Security numbers etc. is to never enter them online.

  • Using a cell phone at a gas station pump is a fire risk.


You might have seen the big signboard asking you to avoid using a cell phone in a gas station, these boards are put up by the owners of the gas station as they think that cell phone may ignite the fuel and cause the explosion. However the researchers have not assured if it is true as there is no such evidence that such incident has ever happened, the fire often is caused due to some other causes.

All the blame is given to the cell phone but the main culprit is the static electricity thus using cell phone may not ignite fire but static electricity can, which even in small amount is enough to ignite a fire.

  • You need to watch a TV show at its network time to help keep it on the air


This only applies to homes that have Neilson tracking box. It is a tracking device to determine the viewership. In the US and Canada, the Neilson media research has become a de facto national measurement.

Neilson uses statistical sampling to rate the shows. Neilson creates a sample audience and counts how many in that audience view the programme. Neilson collects the data from the receivers installed during installation of the TV set.

but nowadays Neilson is very rare as all the channels have their own network, and online streaming networks are in a boom and everybody has a subscription to Amazon Prime Or Netflix and all other applications which have many other ways of counting the streamers.

  • The QWERTY keyboard is the most efficient to type.


Everywhere around us, we are surrounded by QWERTY keyboards. Qwerty keyboards might be easy to type but it is not at all the most efficient keyboard. In fact, it was not at all designed to be the most efficient keyboard. There’s a myth qwerty is the result of jamming typewriters that typewriters would jam as people began to type too quickly.

If the myth is true, which it very well could be then qwerty was designed to slow the Typists down to not jam the keyboard. Which is really strange.

  • Lemons can be used to charge your phone.

Can you even believe in those shitty things, someone somewhere cut a wire of a charger and put it in a slice of lemon and Eureka u found an alternative charging method, but that’s not true the current produced by the lemon is too small to charge a phone, you don’t even need to try it unless you want to spoil up your charging wire.

  • A beer can be used to boost your Wi-Fi signal.


This myth actually will sound true to you if you come from an era of rabbit ear antenna because nowadays WI-FI routers don’t even have an antenna. The secret behind this trick is that you cut the beer can in the shape of a reflector and put in in the Wi-Fi router and it is said to act as a reflecting agent and make the signal stronger.

However, this trick may work a little but it is of no use after so much labor you will go through in making it. Therefore if you want to boost your Wi-Fi signal simply buy a new router without taking the risk of slicing few fingers by the beer can.

  • Cell phones cause cancer.


The effect of mobile phones on a human being is of immense interest. A large number of research have been carried out to find the adverse effect of cell phones on a human being and the only effects found were all related to human’s own absence of mind.

The United States national cancer Institute points out that “radiofrequency energy unlike ionizing radiation” doesn’t cause DNA damage that can cause cancer. It’s only consistently observed the biological effect on human is tissue heating which in no way will lead to cancer.

  • You can protect against unwanted email by signing the do not email registry.


The federal trade Commission some years ago started a national do not call registry and by signing in there you can save yourself from the unwanted calls. However, there is no such thing for emails.

The unsub.us site which claims itself to be a “national do not email registry” is a non-government site, it is not run or authorized by the FTC. It is therefore bound to be next to useless because it has no legal enforcement authority.

  • Y2K/The Millennium bug.


The year 2000” problem also known as the Y2K problem is a class of bugs related to formatting and storage of calendar data for dates beginning in the year 2000. Problems arise as most of the programmes represented the year by only the last two digits of the year making the year 2000 indistinguishable from 1900, this-this could cause a heavy amount of errors.

So a large number of people were tensed and even researchers were tensed and it was thought to be a doomsday but nothing of that sort happened, all the programmes installed an update that fixed the situation. The problem proved more fixable then the doomsday theorists expected.

  • You need to regularly defragment your computers hard drive.


Ask any PC tech person how to make your computer faster, and almost every one of them will tell you to defrag your pc. But these days with those modern PC’s which works like a beast do you really need to defrag your pc manually?

The quick answer would be no. You don’t need to defragment a modern operating system. Because they themselves defragment the drive on a fixed schedule.

  • Pong was the first video game.


Just as Pac-man, Galaga, Super Mario, Super Mario Bros, q-Bert or Donkey Kong might have provided many of us the first gaming experience but for earlier generations “pong” invented by Atari in 1972 might be the first video game for many people. But there were earlier video games then pong thus the earliest was OXO a form of tic-tac-toe, designed by Alexander Douglas in 1952, 20 years earlier than pong.

If anyhow OXO doesn’t count as it was discovered earlier there are even other video games which came before pongs such as space war (1961), computer space (1971) and galaxy game (1971).

The world wide web and the internet are the same thing.


The term internet and the web are often used as the same thing but they are totally different. The internet has been used since the 1960s and it is an of communicating between two or more computer, the internet is not just a physical network it is a set of protocol that allows a different network to communicate.

On the other hand, the web or the world wide web is a system of webpages and sites that pass the files across with the help of the internet. It was developed in the late 1980s by Tim Berners-Lee and you need a web browser to access it. Which could either be a pc, a mobile phone or an I-pod?

The web and internet are a totally different thing to make things easier we say that the web is just one of the many services that use the internet.

Disclaimer: This information is covered based on the latest research and development available. However, it may not fully reflect all current aspects of the subject matter.

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