13 things you didn’t know Artificial Intelligence could do

Artificial Intelligence, one of the most sparkling topics in the world! AI has now caught the attention of everyone across the globe. Each and every human wants to know what can its capabilities be. Also, how is it going to satisfy our lives in a cost-effective manner is a major concern.

AI has started delivering its presence in our life by now. But to our surprise, there are many things AI can do and we don’t even know! AI already knows how to and in what way, these things need to be done. Have a look at the list below.

Machine Vision

When computers can analyze visual data and can make their decisions about it, it is when the computer can ‘see’. Machine vision is used for self-driven cars, facial recognition for police work, payment portals, etc. In manufacturing, machine vision helps in product quality and maintenance control.

Writing Skills

AI has a good power of writing and can extend it to creative writing as well. News organizations such as the Washington Post, Reuters and The New York Times rely on artificial intelligence despite their articles contain the 5W’s and 1H. A novel was also generated by AI and also many social media posts are crafted by it.


13 things you didn't know Artificial Intelligence could do
13 things you didn’t know Artificial Intelligence could do

Apart from Google Maps, Siri and Alexa, Google Duplex is moving ahead with it’s AI feature. It schedules appointments on the phone in a humble conversation. As we see, all these applications respond to us very clearly when we ask anything.

Hearing and Understanding Ability

AI can detect and analyze sounds, gunshots, and alert relevant agencies. It is very helpful for businessmen when convenient accurate things are provided by AI with automated meeting minutes. One of the most wonderful features of AI, isn’t it?


A lot of time can be saved by paying attention to the salient points only. News articles, books, legal documents, emails and web links, all can be summarized by SummarizeBot. It relies on natural language processing, blockchain, ML and AI technology and can currently be used on Facebook messenger.


13 things you didn't know Artificial Intelligence could do
13 things you didn’t know Artificial Intelligence could do

For now, through sensors and cameras, a specific robot can identify ‘ripe’ raspberries. In can pick one raspberry in every ten seconds for twenty hours a day. But this isn’t enough, touch will be linked with other senses as well.

Play games

AI isn’t just about all serious things, but can also play games such as poker and chess. Not just playing, it is also able to beat humans at them.


AI bots can identify gas leaks and other chemicals. AI models will be able to detect diseases just by human breath. It currently detects diseases such as cancer, brain injuries and diabetes that are associated with aldehydes.

AI can Move

13 things you didn't know Artificial Intelligence could do
13 things you didn’t know Artificial Intelligence could do

Artificial Intelligence has the power to function with all sorts of movements such as drones, robots, and even vehicles. Currently, Elon Musk is working on a fully functional AI-driven car.

The power to Argue

A project report showed that AI can successfully debate with humans on both simple and complex subjects. Apart from researching topics, it can also create points that are against the opponents

It can understand Emotions

AI can gather information from body language, facial expressions, way of speaking and more. They determine the action by the general meaning of that expression and then analyze it.

AI is Creative

13 things you didn't know Artificial Intelligence could do
13 things you didn’t know Artificial Intelligence could do

Writing poetry, taking photos, music composition- talk about it and AI can create. Google-based AI was even able to make an AI ‘child’ that succeeded more than human-made counterparts.

Mind Reading

AI has the ability to interpret brain signals and create speech. Zuckerberg and Musk have already started investing in mind reading automation. It is very advantageous for those with speech issues but also very doubtful at the same time.

Think of a world where all these 13 abilities and even more, all in one robot. Seems smart and mind-boggling at the same time, isn’t it?

Disclaimer: This information is covered based on the latest research and development available. However, it may not fully reflect all current aspects of the subject matter.

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