Bill Gates’ life exploration through documentary in upcoming Netflix Project

Everyone knows about Microsoft, a multinational technology company based in Washington. The one that runs the world’s best computers and perfect entertainment systems, aside from gaming. Microsoft’s co-founder Bill Gates’s journey from a Harvard dropout to the co-founder of Microsoft is a story full of inspiration and hard work. Bill Gates Life documentary: Netflix steps up with the acclaimed director to make this incredible show. And it’s not bluffing.

Netflix is releasing a documentary on Bill Gates


The streaming service Netflix is geared to release a special three-part documentary. Completely on the philanthropist, billionaire, and co-founder of Microsoft. The great Bill Gates. As it is making a Bill Gates Life documentary.

The great entrepreneur already appeared on the great Big Bang theory. Now it’s getting its show, right from Netlfix.

Netflix wanted to keep the subscribers interested. To create a buzz among the viewers, Netflix has launched a trailer on the docuseries. It is named Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates.

That depicts the past, present, and future. Of Bill Gates’ life. It will also show his keen rise to money and fame. Aside from building the legacy of computers.

Bill Gates Life documentary: Trailer gets live


The trailer includes commentary on Bill Gates’ life events. His intense struggle and dedication towards being a juggernaut of the Silicon Valley. And the personal sacrifices he made to elevate his company Microsoft.

To a position where it could give competition to its tech counterparts like Apple. How he stepped towards the way of philanthropy. And his way of helping people.

According to Netflix, the documentary series focuses on the never heard before stories of Gates. As he searches for unique solutions to some of the world’s complex problems.

With a positive, highly curious approach. All that inspired his original vision of Microsoft and how it had grown to today.

Also read, Microsoft unveils automated DNA storage, encoded the first word “hello”.

When will it release?

Directed by the award-winning documentary “An inconvenient truth”s director. The incredible Davis Guggenheim. The documentary on Bill Gates will globally be available. And to watch from September 20th, 2019.

What will the show depict?


The documentary will also work on knowing Bill Gates’ personal life. It will include answers to questions like his favorite animal (dog). His favorite food is hamburgers. Also lastly his greatest fear that is his brain might stop working someday soon.

Disclaimer: This information is covered based on the latest research and development available. However, it may not fully reflect all current aspects of the subject matter.

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